Fish & Wildlife

Tulalip Fish & Wildlife patrols Tulalip's usual and accustomed fishing and hunting areas.

The Tulalip Police Departments' Fish & Wildlife Division patrols Tulalip's Usual and Accustomed fishing and hunting areas spoken of in the Treaty of Point Elliott of 1855, these areas are vast and extend from South Puget Sound to the San Juan Islands, Blaine and up to the Canadian border. The Fish & Wildlife Division is led by a Commander, staffed with a Sergeant and Officers.

The Fish & Wildlife Division's goal is to protect Tribal Treaty Rights regarding fishing, hunting, and subsistence and gathering activities. Other duties include the enforcement of Tulalip Tribal Codes, animal control, environmental protection and enforcement, assistance to Tribal fisherman, and water search and rescue operations. They also patrol hunting grounds on and off the reservation.

Tulalip Police department Fish & Wildlife enforcement officers patrol and enforce the laws and codes of the Tulalip Tribes usual and accustomed fishing and hunting areas and ensure safety of tribal fishermen.


Fish & Wildlife Officers patrol and enforce the laws and codes of the Tulalip Tribes in all Usual and Accustomed fishing areas and ensures the safety of Tribal members. Additionally, they protect tribal members exercising treaty rights on the water and the land throughout the Usual and Accustomed areas. This includes working with the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy to ensure that tribal fishermen can exercise their treaty fishing rights. Throughout the year, they also assist tribal fishing vessels, including safety inspections.

Land at Illegal Camps and Transients sites are clutterd and with unsightly garbage.

Illegal Camps and Transients

In recent years, there has been an increased threat to the environment and natural resources caused by illegal transient camps in wooded and sensitive areas of the Tulalip Reservation. These illegal transient camps are primarily located directly next to water sources, wetlands, or in sensitive areas; these illegal transient camps are a threat to the tribe's natural resources including waters and wildlife.

Almost 100% of these camps are caused by persons from outside the Tulalip Reservation, who do not have family in the Tulalip area and are not tribal members. These camps are typically associated with illegal drugs/paraphernalia, illegal fires, illegal woodcutting, large amounts of trash, and human feces, which will enter the local waterways and spread contamination.

In cooperation with Public Works, Tulalip Police Department's Fish & Wildlife Division takes a proactive approach in dealing with these illegal camps. It makes continuous efforts to have them shut down and cleaned up by Public Works. Illegal campers are issued trespass notices and informed that they must remove themselves from the Tulalip Tribes' properties and not return. Fish & Wildlife and Public Works work closely with the Tribes' Outreach Team to offer addiction treatment options and other social services. Non-tribal individuals are referred to the Snohomish County Outreach Team.

Tulalip Police department Marina Security patrols the Tulalip Marina and docks.

Marina Security

Fish and Wildlife Marina Security patrols the Tulalip Marina and docks. While each vessel at the marina is the responsibility of the individual owner, F&W Marina Security Officers perform nightly patrols, protect the marina property and fleet of over 100 vessels, and, at times, assist fishermen with towing a disabled vessel. F&W Marina Security Officers also perform the set net drawings.

Please call Tulalip Police Department Dispatch 360‑716‑4608 for any security concerns at the Tulalip Marina.

Tulalip Police department for Search and Rescue with over millions of miles and plays a crucial role in protecting the safety of the Tribal fishermen.

Search and Rescue

In all fishing and hunting areas, the Fish & Wildlife Division plays a crucial role in protecting the safety of Tribal members on the water and the land throughout the Usual and Accustomed areas.

Tulalip Police department's Stray and Nuisance Animals with the goal to serve neighborhoods and enhance public safety.

Stray and Nuisance Animals

A typical neighborhood complaint involves dogs that are running loose. Tulalip Police Department's Fish & Wildlife Division responds to and conducts animal control services on the Tulalip Reservation. Citizens are reminded that no person owning or having control or custody of any dog shall allow such a dog to run at large within the boundaries of the Tulalip Reservation. Any dog found and considered to be running at large will be picked up and taken to Everett Animal Control Shelter. A fee is required for the dog to be released and is the responsibility of the owner.

Please leash your dog or use a kennel of appropriate construction to contain your dog.

To make an Animal Control report involving stray or vicious dogs, barking/animal noise complaints, cougar sightings, or found animal carcasses, please call the non-emergency Tulalip Police Department Dispatch number at 360‑716‑4608.

Image of life jacket preservers on a fence near the beach of Tulalip Bay

Boater Safety

The Tulalip Police Department's Fish & Wildlife Division encourages all boaters to follow four simple rules for safe boating:

  • Take a boating safety course: it's a fact—educated boaters are safer boaters!.
  • Always wear a life jacket while boating: It's simple—life jackets save lives. Wear it! Almost all drowning victims would be alive today had they been wearing a life jacket.
  • Pledge to not drink and boat! Alcohol dramatically increases your risk of being involved in a boating accident. Understand the danger.
  • Get a free vessel safety check annually: make sure you and your boat are prepared and properly equipped before the boating season.